GSM Home automation using GSM900A with Arduino
GSM Home automation using GSM900A with Arduino
GSM Home automation using GSM900A with Arduino
Program for bluetooth Home automation using Arduino UNO and HC-05 bluetooth module
HC-05 Bluetooth Libraries Click the button to download library.
Voice-activated light Control using Arduino UNO -Automation project Voice activated light control system for home automation using Arduino Uno. controls
Conversion Formulas Kilometers to Miles miles=kilometers×0.621371 Miles to Kilometers kilometers=miles×1.60934 Meters to Feet feet=meters×3.28084 Feet to Meters meters=feet×0.3048 Output: Distance
Output: Enter your choice (1 or 2): 1Enter temperature in Fahrenheit: 100Temperature in Celsius: 37.78
Output: Addition: 10 + 3 = 13Subtraction: 10 – 3 = 7Multiplication: 10 * 3 = 30Division: 10 / 3
Objective: The aim of this project is to create a Bluetooth-based smart home automation system that allows the control of
Problem Statement: Redesigning an Aerospace Component Using Generative Design and 3D Printing In the aerospace industry, weight reduction, improved functionality,